Research & Development
Collaborative Research
Collaborative Research
Premium Agrochemicals Limited (PAL) is a fertilizer blending company based in Nigeria. It has a state-of-the-art fertilizer blending plant in Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria, with a capacity of 650,000 metric tonnes annually. We provide farmers and growers with a wide range of high-performance plant nutrition solutions by tailor-made blended fertilizers. Premium Agrochemicals Limited is your one-stop shop for quality (N) Nitrogen, (P) Phosphorous, (K) Potassium and micronutrients fertilizer blends. We focus on specialized formulated products suiting the needs of both soil and crop.
AGROMASTER (High Quality Slow Release Fertilizers) versus Conventional Fertilizers towards Rice Productivity and Quality in Northern Nigeria.

Inorganic, synthetic fertilizer is a critical ingredient in the global food economy. In 2008, global consumption of the three main agricultural fertilizer nutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (KCl, or potassium) totaled 162 million metric tons (FAO). Nitrogen accounts for about 63 percent of the total tonnage of fertilizers applied, phosphate another 21 percent, and potassium 15 percent.

Demand for fertilizers has risen in recent years, mostly in developing countries. In high-income countries, where application rates are generally higher, fertilizer use has been stable or declining. In agricultural areas with high fertilization rates, environmental concerns stem from fertilizer runoff and leaching, which can affect surface and groundwater quality (USDA/ERS, 2006). Nitrogen fertilizer can also vaporize into the atmosphere in the form of nitrous oxide (N2O), which has been identified as a greenhouse gas and a contributor to global climate change (IPCC, 2007).

Demand for fertilizers has risen in recent years, mostly in developing countries. In high-income countries, where application rates are generally higher, fertilizer use has been stable or declining. In agricultural areas with high fertilization rates, environmental concerns stem from fertilizer runoff and leaching, which can affect surface and groundwater quality (USDA/ERS, 2006). Nitrogen fertilizer can also vaporize into the atmosphere in the form of nitrous oxide (N2O), which has been identified as a greenhouse gas and a contributor to global climate change (IPCC, 2007).
As part of its corporate strategy, and in order to address excessive fertilizer Run off and Vaporization, the management of Premium Agrochemicals Limited (PAL) Collaborates with ACL International to introduce the technology of using slow release coated fertilizer to the Nigerian farmers. This is fundamentally aimed at supporting and accelerating the Nigerian government’s efforts towards expeditiously attaining colossal rice revolution and integrated value chain in the country as well as addressing the Environmental concerns.

As part of its corporate strategy, and in order to address excessive fertilizer Run off and Vaporization, the management of Premium Agrochemicals Limited (PAL) Collaborates with ACL International to introduce the technology of using slow release coated fertilizer to the Nigerian farmers. This is fundamentally aimed at supporting and accelerating the Nigerian government’s efforts towards expeditiously attaining colossal rice revolution and integrated value chain in the country as well as addressing the Environmental concerns.